The American Journal of Psychobabble announced last week that there has been a new breakthrough therapy developed that appears to be a
The numbers of sufferers of Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope are estimated to be in the tens of millions. This disorder affects not only the sufferers, but almost anyone they come into contact with. Those who get near sufferers often will complain of nausea, vomiting, severe headaches & stomach aches and a generalized feeling of homicidal rage.
The therapy was developed by a layperson; an angry, bitter, pissed off domestic violence victim from the midwest.
After being repeatedly subjected to symptoms related to contact with those suffering from Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope (MTTH), she set out to find a cure.
Experts are touting her breakthrough therapy as 'BRILLIANT' and 'INSPIRED' . In data released today, experts say that her therapy for sufferers of Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope (MTTH) appears to have a cure rate of 100%.
After being repeatedly subjected to symptoms related to contact with those suffering from Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope (MTTH), she set out to find a cure.
Experts are touting her breakthrough therapy as 'BRILLIANT' and 'INSPIRED' . In data released today, experts say that her therapy for sufferers of Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope (MTTH) appears to have a cure rate of 100%.
Research Data
Participants in the research were chosen from three online help forums for abused women. Each participant was hand selected by the developer of the therapy, based upon the participant's degree of infection, and levels of sanctimony and contemptuousness.
In test cases,participants were stripped of all worldly possessions, and had all sources of income cut off. The research participants were then parachuted into Appalachia, an area chosen for it's isolation and unforgiving climate .
The participants then had their hands and feet bound, to simulate the feelings of being trapped and unable to break free. Participants were then attacked, chided, and berated relentlessly for one week. They were told they were to blame for the situation they were in, accused of not doing anything to HELP themselves & not trying hard enough, called codependent and told repeatedly that it was all their own fault.
Participants were then fitted with permanently attached headphones through which researchers chanted 'get over it' , 'get on with your life', 'move on', 'stop whining' and 'you're just not trying hard enough'. If the Participants complained even once of unfairness or tried to explain the realities of their situations to ANYONE - they were called 'bitter' and 'angry' and cut off.
Participants were then released into a remote part of Appalachia, famous for being a place where REAL HOPE, let alone TOXIC HOPE, has seldom if ever been seen.
Participants were given a restraining order and a 200 dollar food stamp card and ordered to 'rebuild' their lives from the ground up in the next 30 days.
Participants were given a restraining order and a 200 dollar food stamp card and ordered to 'rebuild' their lives from the ground up in the next 30 days.
Partcipants were allowed to chant all the positive affirmations they cared to. They were allowed 12 hours a day of internet access to their HELP AND ADVICE forums, and they were allowed up to 25,000 phone calls a day to Domestic Violence Hotlines and Sherlters, Legal Aid, and various Social Service Agencies.
Participants were routinely denied medical treatment, psychiatric treatment, prescription medications, including access to antidepressants. Partcipants were also denied basic human needs such as shelter, utilities and financial assistance.
When researchers returned to pick up the participants 30 days later, each and every one was pronounced 100% CURED, and 100% DEAD.
Autopsies revealed that all partcipants had succumbed to OVERWHELMING REALITY.
News of the success of this breakthrough therapy brought in a flood of donations from people who had long suffered the effects of being in close proximity to sufferers of Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope (MTTH). The developer has announced that donors were 'overwhelming in their generosity'. The developer also received a 100 million dollar grant from the American Psychiatric Association.
Last week, the developer of this astonishingly simple, yet brilliant theraputic treatment announced 'anyone with a friend or relative suffering from Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope needs to contact our research facility immediately. We now have funds to cover treatment for anyone in need. Thankfully we can now fully HOPE and expect this terrible disorder to eradicated in our lifetime!'
Phone lines were jammed for over 72 hours as calls flooded in, and cell phone providers were overloaded. Airlines were booked to capacity and had to add new flights. Gas shortages and traffic jams were reported across the country, due to friends and family attempting to deliver sufferers directly to the research facility for treatment.
Phone lines were jammed for over 72 hours as calls flooded in, and cell phone providers were overloaded. Airlines were booked to capacity and had to add new flights. Gas shortages and traffic jams were reported across the country, due to friends and family attempting to deliver sufferers directly to the research facility for treatment.
Yesterday it was reported that the developer is almost certain to be nominated for and win the Nobel Peace Prize. When told of this the developer vowed to donate all prize money toward development of a another therapy she has devised which she believes will be the cure for PSYCHOPATHY. We will publish updates to this exciting new research as they become available.
Due to over 25,000,000 letters and calls to the CBS network from friends and faimly of sufferers of Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope (MTTH); the network announced that next season's SURVIVOR will be SURVIVOR: APPALACHIA . The network announced that they have hired the developer of the therapeutic treatment for Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope to be head creative consultant for next season's show. Auditions for sufferers of Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope are set to begin next Tuesday.
CBS executives say they believe this will be the most watched SURVIVOR ever; they have secured numerous sponsors for the program, and are so confident that this will be a season with ZERO survivors, that they have upped the prize package to 250,000,000 dollars, and a new Toyota Tundra pickup truck.
Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.
Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.
Mike McGrannahan
Kansas City, Missouri
Dog Murderer, Wife Beater, Alcoholic, Drug Addict, Con Man
join in the fight to stamp out PSYCHOPATHS
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