The world is a dangerous place, not only because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing. - Albert Einstein
Mike McGrannahan is a psychopath... a vile, heinous monster... who murdered my beloved dog, BEN... and tried to murder me twice... and who made my life a living Hell for years... and now i intend to try to return the favor...we cannot allow these demons to destroy out lives, then stand silently by while they go on to victimize another and another and another...
Psychopaths work by stealth... by not being known... the best way to hurt a Psychopath is to make them KNOWN for what they are... i am winning my war against the psychpath Mike McGrannahan... when his name is googled, his profile on DatingPsychos is the first thing that pops up... i'm sure this has caused him considerable trouble, as potential employers will often google an applicant's name...
i know i've caused him some problems because of an email i recently received from the elusive psychopath...
Is this still your email address? I'm supposed to be a smart guy even though I've dumbed myself down a bit over the years. I've watched a lot of TV and I've watched you and I still can't understand why a person does intentional harm to another human being.