“I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere.” – Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel.
I've been monitoring ie interfering at Our Place, The Next Right Choice and the Catbox... .and i notice that the abusive spews have dropped off considerably... as has new membership... i'm sure they're very upset with me.....how DARE i, yada yada yada...i believe a better question would be....how DARE THEY sucker in abuse victims....and start abusing them, controlling them and forcing them to drink their SNAKE OIL??!!.....hey, if some of those bitches want to take the credit for thier own abuse, want to take repsonsibility for some piece of lowlife shit who would abuse a ROCK if nothing else was available.....and flagellate themselves incessantly over their participation in their abusive situations...then i'm not opposed to it.....in some of their cases i'm actually all in IN FAVOR OF IT....but i do oppose them projecting and forcing THEIR BULLSHIT onto ME!!!....and onto other innocent women who stumble into those little nests of vipers.....
on Our Place there have been no attacks launched on the NEW VICTIM of an abuser since Lily's charming 'boil her in oil' comment made the front page of my blog....that topic...http://forums.our-place-online.net/index.php?showtopic=4379 has since been removed!!...no doubt for the safety of the posters!!..ie.......to cover the abusive tracks of the abusive bitches!!...abusive posts being removed!!...looks like they're taking my crackpot blog seriously enough to remove some of their own abusive posts!!!....this is VERY GOOD NEWS....the bad news is, bitches... in the future i will include SCREEN SHOTS of your spews, to prevent the rewriting of history...... :)
and Tallulah has been driven to post her attacks on me at an obscure blog maintained by someone who herself was so abusive she was banned from the Catbox administrative team after Irene caught her and Moongoddess attacking members in not-so-private emails...
these are little victories... they've had to tone down their abuse... they've been driven into dark corners, or into their secret forum... where at least no one can see their hateful abusive diatribes...
their new membership has gone down to a trickle... and that trickle is likely pure fabrication... they've been known to invent new members........
how's it feel, LADIES???... for years you attacked abused women... openly and willfully... while CENSORING them... controlling their ability to defend themselves from your attacks... how does it feel to have to watch what you say???... .WALK ON EGGSHELLS??? ...
how's it feel to be MUZZLED??.. how do you like finding out that although you could slander me on your own nasty little abusive forums... and still try to attack and discredit me anywhere you can, in any way you can... out here in the DAYLIGHT, away from your little pack of Jackals... people are seeing how abusive YOU are????.
abusers don't stop abusing... i can only wonder who you'll turn it on now... the HOMELESS?... BEGGARS ??... will you start TAUNTING street people for not 'trying hard enough'???... you probably already do, when you think no one is watching... .frankly, my dears,....i suggest cannibalism....it's always the next right choice!! :)
i'll be watching you on those forums... every single day... .and anytime i see you treating other people the way you treated me and others... i'm going to post it here... and attack you for it... just like you attacked ME.. for being sad... for being angry... for missing my home... for refusing to take the blame for my abuse. for refusing to feel SORRY for the bastard who murdered my dog..for refusing to reduce myself to magical thinking...for refusing to be a coward..... for refusing to be further abused by a bunch of hateful bitches who aren't much better than the psychopath himself..
i haven't been able to SHUT YOU DOWN, yet, but it does look like i've been able to SHUT SOME OF YOU UP........and i'm going to stay right here....and i'm going to keep doing it.....one of you sanctimonious bitches asked me how i, as an abuse survivor intend to help other abuse victims........well, this is HOW, bitches....by unmasking ONE LYING MANIPULATING ABUSIVE NARCISSISTIC FAUX ABUSE VICTIM AT A TIME.......you never liked me on those forums because i wouldn't just shut up take your abuse and drink your venom laced kool aid.......so.....HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW????
LOOK!! a new and improved Tallulah!!! this is from Our Place yesterday....
Welcome, Buckeye!Narcissistic/Borderline Personality Disorders are really NOT treatable. They can't change. They're sociopaths. Read everything you can find on these disorders. Trust me on this. You can feel sorry for him but do it at a distance. A GREAT distance. Tallulah
wow...great advice....NARCISSISTIC/BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDERS aren't treatable!!...they can't change!!....finally....speaking from her OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.....as a NARC!!...what a miraculous turnaround from the venom she was spewing at me just the day before!!!....
and in the same post Lily was quoting the Bible instead of looking for flammable liquids and a lighter!!.....
NOW THIS IS MORE LIKE IT!!!....TOTALLY FAKE...but an improvement nonetheless......
BEN - killed on 2/14/2007
smothered to death in his own bed
i will not forgive and i will not forget
i love you BEN
justice will be served
“I do not bring forgiveness with me, nor forgetfulness.
The only ones who can forgive are dead; the living have no right to forget."
- Chaim Herzog
ReplyDeleteI love the picture of Ben. It is so hard to even think about it. How AWFUL!!!
I don't know what I would do if that happened to me. I don't think I would be responsible for my actions; I'd go "temporarily insane," and deal with the consequences.
Why is he not in jail for that? Truly, I can barely think about it.
I guess, all I know to say to you is how very truly sorry I am for you. Ben, well, he is where my girl had to go but she left in peace due to bone cancer. Still, all dogs go to heaven. I will say a prayer, a dog prayer. I know that sounds crazy but sometimes I ask my girl for help. I will ask her to get all of her friends in dog-heaven to give Ben kisses and more kisses! I will do this.
I know this does not take away your pain or your huge loss, nor does it do anything for the trauma I'm sure you have and are enduring.
Good for you for exposing the vile creature!!!
I don't give advice. Plus, I know if I did you will sure delete it!
But here is my thought. As I was writing I thought well, maybe Ben deserves his own page. A page where he can receive blessings from earth, a place where people can see how beautiful he was on earth and still is in your heart. Ben's Page. A place where people could offer him gifts.
I wrote an Ode to Free. It is kind of child like writing but I don't care. One day after she had to leave this earth the words came to me and I put them on the paper in less than five minutes.
Her name was Free and now she is Free. I dreamed two nights after she passed that she and I were in a cave underground. She was eating the rich and good dirt. She thanked me for letting her go. In the dream, above our cave, there were all those doctors and their pills and their needles who all tried to help her. She was glad to be in the cave.
Here is the link to the words that so easily came out that day. I know I did not have to go through what you did -- no -- nothing like that at all!
You nor anyone do not deserve that!
Please do not think I am saying hey this is how you should think about Ben. I'm not. I'm saying that maybe, and I cannot imagine really, but maybe you might find comfort in the words from "Free."
Again, I think this is surely one of the most horrible things a person must endure in life, this tragedy you have endured. I am so very sorry for you and for Ben. It is way too sad.
That guy should be sitting behind bars!
I guess it didn't show as a link but if you want to read it you can just search in my blog for Ode to Free if you want to.
Dear God I hope your heart will heal each day and some day -- some day some how the Universe will give you some peace. I don't know how but I sure hope it for you because the pain would be too much for me to endure and I've endured a hell of a lot of pain in my life. Nothing like that though!
I salute you for having this blog. I salute you for not being afraid to be totally pissed. I salute you for smearing the vile creature!
i will persue the nasty piece of shit psychopath to the grave.....and BEYOND if possible...
ReplyDeleteand you're right...all dogs go to heaven...the psycho is headed to the ninth circle of HELL..but i intend to give him a little taste of HELL ON EARTH.......
you're right....i should give BEN his own page...he was/is an ANGEL...he glowed with pure love......which is why the psycho hated him....psychopaths hate pure love....it's like throwing holy water on a vampire......
there is no doubt in my mind that i will see BEN again...and when i do.....i want him to know that his mommy avenged his murder...right here..on this earth....
i have no mercy...for forgiveness for the son of bitch who murdered an innocent lamb of God like BEN...and for those who say ...'vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord'.....well, the Lord is just gonna have to go to the back of the line on this ONE...becuase i've got dibs on this psychotic fucker!!...
i'm sorry for the loss of your beloved Free...the lives of dogs are so short....the lives of monsters, FAR TOO LONG.....
thank you for your posts...i truly appreciate them...i will read you poem, and will gladly post it here, if you would like.....