Saturday, December 19, 2009


DESERVE TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!

this is a subject close to my abuser murdered one of my dogs...the love of my life....and daily threatened and abused my other pets...he threatened my daily with 'making them disappear'...he told me he would file false police reports (which he did)...get me arrested, (which he tried to failed to do) and sell them to research labs while i was 'locked up'....he kidnapped one and held him for ransom so he could go on a drinking and drugging spree...the theings he did to me we horrible enough..but the things he did to my pets are INEXCUSABLE...except of course on Our Place, The Next Right Choice and the Catbox..there i was chastised for my anger over him murdering my dog...there i was berated for hating him...for wanting him dead....not only was his abuse of me ignored and negated and glossed was his abuse of pets he professed to love when it agrandized him...and cold bloodedly kidnapped and murdered, abandoned and neglected when that suited his agenda..they can forgive him...but i won't...... i want him that vile evil bastard dead... and he can't be dead soon enough or long enough or in a horrible enough manner to suit me... because the piece of filthy loathsome abusive SHIT murdered one my dogs..... and threatened and covertly abused the others... the threatening and abusing and mudering of pets... another MAJOR ASPECT OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE that is NEVER ever mentioned on those VAPID, ASININE, INSIPID, POINTLESS FORUMS, Our Place, The Next Right Choice and Trubbles Catbox... i'm only surprised they didn't find a way to blame ME for HIM abusing my pets....i'm only surprised they didn't label my pets as CODEPENDENT!!!

another off limits topic... just ANOTHER form of abuse for them to minimize and ignore ...they have more compassion for an abuser than innocent animals!! ..... how many of their own abusers, who they defend and forgive, are guilty of this unspeakable , unforgiveable , undefendable, unconscionable crime???.. according to STATISTICS: PLENTY...

in surveys of domestic violence shelters........85% reported that victims talked about pet abuse, and reasearch shows that a whopping 73% of all women who reported domestic violence also reported that their abuser had either THREATENED/ HARMED/ OR MURDERED A PET....



Unfortunately, many victims stay in abusive relationships because they don't know what to do with their pets. Many victims, up to 25%, report that concern for their pets had affected their decisions about leaving or staying with the batterer. Higher proportions of rural than urban women reported that their partners had threatened or harmed their pets and that concern for their pets had affected their decisions.
One way to further traumatize the human target of domestic violence is to injure or kill that person's beloved pet. When domestic violence erupts, family pets are often the first target because abusers understand and exploit the deep bond between pets and family members. Threatening the pet often causes the victim to stay for fear of what might happen to the animal if they leave. Studies have found that almost half of battered women delay their escape for that reason.

According to Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States, "The bond between people and their pets is so powerful that people would rather stay in an abusive situation if it means protecting their animal. A pet is sometimes the only positive and unconditional relationship that a victim might have and that means they will do absolutely anything to keep them safe.

We want the law to recognize the deep significance of that relationship and acknowledge that for most people, a pet is part of the family and therefore a victim – and a pawn -- in the horrendous cycle of domestic violence."

To date, only three states -- Maine, New York and Vermont -- have enacted laws permitting family pets to be included in protective court orders involving cases of domestic violence. Such court orders are meant to shield animals as well as spouses and domestic partners from abusers
An additional 12 states: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, Rhode Island,Tennessee. Texas,Utah, Virginia, Washington, and the District of Columbia, have considered "pet protection" legislation.

Like many professionals working to protect victims of domestic violence, Jeanne Yeager, Executive Director of Mid-Shore Council on Family Violence in Maryland, supports adding pets to protection orders. "Such measures will provide much needed protection to clients with pets. Pet protection orders will offer victims of abuse an alternative to staying in abusive relationships for fear of what will happen to their pets if they leave."


Seven of every 10 families with minor children include a pet -- more than 64 million households in total.

Research shows that pet abuse is a predictor of domestic violence. Paying attention to pet abuse can save human lives.

Studies show that up to 73% of battered women report their pet was threatened, harmed, or killed by their partners.

A national survey found that 85% of women's shelters indicated that women seeking safety described incidents of pet abuse in their families.

Batterers threaten, abuse, or kill animals to demonstrate and confirm power and control over the family, to isolate the victim and children, and to prevent the victim from leaving or coerce her to return.

Domestic violence shelters and animal protection organizations have ONLY RECENTLY begun partnering to develop "safe havens" for pets of domestic violence victims because many victims delay leaving out of fear for their pets' safety. All too often, batterers punish victims for leaving by killing their pet. Yet, with the help of over 100 safe haven programs currently operating today in the U.S., many victims no longer have to choose between their safety and their pets.\



i can speak from experience here... i lived in TERROR of my psychopath abuser... because of his constant threats against my pets... i had nowhere to take them... so i stayed... to provide them with a home... to try to keep them safe.....

the disinterested, bored, enabling police refused to arrest him after he tried to murder me... then left him to do as he pleased... and he did... there was no one to protect me... and no one to protect BEN... he murdered the love of my life... a helpless 15 year old dog... who had survived liver cancer, but could not survive an attack by a maniac... he smothered BEN to death in his own bed... on VALENTINES DAY...

this piece of shit doesn't need to see a go into treatment...he needs to go six feet underground.... this bastard doesn't need to be taken to jail... he needs to be taken to the gallows... this pyschopathic monster cannot be REFORMED... except into COMPOST.....

ignoring pet abuse and murder at Our Place, The Next Right Choice and the Catbox....par for the course...i've seen them post about feeling sorry for men who murder their wives and familes!!...compassion for killers...... while they ignored and minimized my abuse, and the abuse my pets suffered at the hands of that monster......and then there is Tallulah...who knowing what my psychpath abuser had done to me and my pets...upon seeing a photo of him...managed to find him 'attractive' and 'easy on the eyes'!!!!!.doesn't get any more caring and kind and compassionate than that..... and extended to the ABUSER, as usual..
they continue to makes excuses for piece of shit just like him... they take responsibility for the actions of pieces of sub human garbage... they forgive... they forget... they who told me to 'get over it'..... who told me i am wrong to DESPISE that PSYCHOPATH....wrong to be angry..... wrong to seek REVENGE... they who told me: LIVING WELL IS THE BEST REVENGE...
i wouldn't know whether living well is the best revenge... because i am not living well... the PSYCHOPATH did so much physical and emotional damage to me that i am UNABLE to work and LIVING IN POVERTY... and BEN... he won't know if living well is the best revenge, because BEN IS NO LONGER ALIVE... THANKS TO A PIECE OF ABUSIVE PSYCHOPATHIC SHIT... WHO DESERVES TO DIE...

BEN 2/14/2007

“I do not bring forgiveness with me, nor forgetfulness. The only ones who can forgive are dead; the living have no right to forget."
Chaim Herzog
Michael (Mike) McGrannahan
Kansas City Missouri

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Do the Admins Even Read Their Own B.S.?

What do I do if I think I'm being abused?

Educate yourself. Knowledge is power. Learn everything you can about abuse. We have an excellent resource section with links and book recommendations as well as very active forums so you can talk to others who are or have been in similar situations. Do not confront your abuser as this generally escalates the abuse. Learn coping techniques while you decide your course of action. And remember…the abuse is not your fault. No one deserves to be mistreated.

Wait a sec... let's look at this one... line by line

Educate yourself. But toss off the forums people who merely post information... heaven forbid anyone think for themselves... embrace rigorous truth or figure something out that we don't spoon feed them...

Knowledge is power. Learn everything you can about abuse. See above.

We have an excellent resource section with links and book recommendations as well as very active forums so you can talk to others who are or have been in similar situations. And we pilfered those resources from other sources, and don't you dare have better resources or stuff than us admins!!!

Do not confront your abuser as this generally escalates the abuse. Don't confront us admins or Dr. Irene as only we get to decide how you should feel and how you should heal... or heel...

Learn coping techniques while you decide your course of action. And we get to judge if your coping techniques are appropriate... don't stand up to the abuser... lie down... be codependent... blame yourself... feel sorry for your abuser... and most of all... BABY STEPS...

And remember…the abuse is not your fault. No one deserves to be mistreated.
Unless it's us doing the mistreating, misinterpreting or avoiding the truth... then we blame you for having being honest, bad mouth you... call you an angry stalker or tell you you're wallowing, berate you and throw you off our precious forum... Our abuse IS your fault.

smell the hypocrisy anyone?



OMG!!.. when i first ventured into the world or forums for abused women... every other post was about baby steps!!!... 'take baby steps'... 'remember... baby steps... take baby steps'

i was stunned... but i quickly surmised that the rank and file on the catbox, and our place and the next right choice were whining, hand-wringing babies... so i guess the baby steps thing was to be expected...

but then... when i ventured into online therapy... dished up by a licensed therapist, for pete's sake... i heard the same thing... 'just take
baby steps'...

uh... let's get real here... first off... we're not babies... and secondly... have you ever actually watched a baby taking 'baby steps'???... it's not pretty... one step forward... four steps back... they fall down a lot too... and sometimes they can't get up!!! baby steps don't get you anywhere!!! ask any real baby!!! a baby can take ten thousand steps, without ever escaping the imprisonment of her playpen!!.

let's can the 'baby steps' bullshit, ok?... it's insulting... and it's asinine...

Monday, November 9, 2009

You're Just Bitter

The bitches on Our Place and Next Bogus Choice called members like me BITTER... Bitter? LOL!



“You’re just bitter.” This is a phrase commonly used to silence women. Another variation says, “You are so unforgiving.”

The bitterness accusation is used to bully a woman and tell her how she “should” feel instead of asking her how she does feel. Someone who uses this label expects her to pretend there has been no harm, no foul. She is expected to pretend the one who hurt her is a great person, even if she knows he is a terrible person. If she does not pretend, it is because she is “bitter and unforgiving.”

Abusers nearly always sling this accusation at their victims. She may have accepted him back with open arms after a dozen violent episodes, but the first time she hesitates to “forgive and forget,” he will tell her she is a bitter and unforgiving person.

If only it stopped there. The world does not want to hear the voice of the abused, either. Let her speak of abuse in the divorce hearing, and the judge may roll his eyes. When he makes his ruling concerning child support and visitation, he will keep in mind that the woman is “bitter.”

Let her speak of it to the church, and they will label her a feminist – even if she firmly believes in male headship and supports all the patriarchal viewpoints.

The fact is, no one wants to hear it. In most circles, she can say, “My former husband was abusive,” and only be labeled a feminist. But if she ever says, “He backhanded me across the face when I disagreed with him, and he dragged me through the house by my hair” – now, she is “bitter.” Her words are interpreted as angry and violent, as if only a violent person could speak such awful words.

The message to abused women: Shut up about it. Go back to being ashamed, as if that hand across your face had left a nasty stain that made you evil rather than him. It is not dignified or proper to speak of the ugliness of abuse. It offends our sensibilities. By making us hear about your experience, you are violating our sheltered little world. We can forgive the man for hitting you, but we cannot forgive you for having the bad manners to actually talk about it.

Speaking the truth is not a sign of bitterness. It is a sign of wholeness and stark, unblinking courage. It takes guts to go beyond “He abused me” and say “He held a pillow over my face until I thought I was dying,” or even “He did things so unspeakable, I cannot make myself say them.”

Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” A woman may know the truth without speaking it, and she may in silence escape her own situation. But a lone woman with sealed lips will not change the world. It is not only the woman who must be set free; society itself needs to be set free from a culture of violence against women.

We must speak the truth to our society, so that we can all be set free.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Singing the praises of DOORMATS


every house needs a doormat, right?.....sure....i'm not opposed to long as they're made of rubber...or jute....or astroturf......but i do draw the line when doormats are made of flesh and blood.......being a doormat is nothing to aspire to.....let alone something to sing the praises of......i have been on several abuse forums...still am on some GOOD ones.....and i've been booted from three very very very bad ones....three that sing the praises of doormats......

i was booted off THE NEXT RIGHT CHOICE..because i refused to embrace the belief that the next right choice was to be a doormat...or to be proud of being a doormat...a close friend and i were posting back and forth to each other.....i was offering her sympathy as to her physical limitations, which were greatly interfering with her emotional healing from her years with a psychopath.....we were discussing how some things cannot be matter how many positive affirmations you chant..or how much HOPE you cling to....uh oh.....the magic word. more ways than one!!....

immediately an admin there jumped in.. first attacking my DISABLED friend for 'WALLOWING'...... my friend then dared to post this nugget of 100% truth.. they can't take full strength truth over there at THE NEXT RIGHT CHOICE:

"Some things do not heal.
PTSD from a psychopath for instance.
You cope, you adapt but its always there - always.
And Hope is just a word"

UH OH!!.....the admin then posted this piece of smarm:

'No matter what has happened in your life, no matter what you struggle with, you still make choices. Your choice may be simply to take one more opportunity to vent bitter anger, or it may be to realize that one person out there can benefit from compassion, and yes, from hope.

No matter what happens, we can choose to care. We can choose to be kind. We can choose to help one another. We can choose to contribute something positive. Is this denial? I don't think so.

I'll take the example of my mother, a woman abused and molested by her father, forced to drop out of school because of extreme poverty, raped and forced to marry the rapist who got her pregnant, lied about and legally stripped of her parental rights while her abusive rapist husband stole her two little girls, forced to live without them in her life, suffering with serious health problems as a result, and YET...

She was perhaps the kindest, the most loving, gentle, bright and sunny compassionate person I've ever known. She chose to love in spite of everything and anything.

IT WAS A CHOICE. She became her choices, and it made her beautiful.'

WHAT A CROCK!!... they're very big on pretend CHOICES over mother was a HAPPY DOORMAT... SUNNY in the face of abuse..... her CHOICE was to be a HAPPY doormat, instead of to not be a doormat at all?...... i would hardly call THAT a right choice!!... yeah....i've seen smiley faces on doormats...with the dirty footprints of a psychopath all over them......and this apparently is something everyone should CHOSE to aspire be a happy smiley faced doormat.....lest we become BITTER.......geez.........

i'm not sure what has caused the twisted thought process in some women that i call 'happy doormat syndrome'.... was it june cleaver and donna reed and harriet nelson....pushing the hoover in their high heels and pearls?....with a perpetual corpse's grin plastered to their faces........

are those high heel wearing american geishas to blame?.......

whatever has caused it.... it needs to STOP....there is no glory in being a doormat... ask any doormat!!'s a dirty thankless job......
and whether you are a doormat with a SMILEY FACE or not.... the result is the same.......people drag their shit covered shoes across you....

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dr. Irene's Pattern of Abuse



I knew Dr. Irene, first as a patient and later as one of the administrators to her site. At one point, I was invited to her house for dinner with her husband and other admins from the site.

What was amazing was how quickly and sharply she turned against me when I merely defended one former admin.

Dr. Irene said she hacked into the site, but clearly she didn't. It is a long story why I know the admin didn't hack in the site. More important, her reaction to my defending the other admin was to ban me from the site. When I confronted her in email, she first didn't remember me, then she went in the whole victim routine how everyone is against her, never dealing with the facts of whether or not the admin hacked into her site.

This was important to me because the person accused is the nicest person in the world. She was working six hours a day for at least three years on the site. I really believe that Dr. Irene accused her of something wrong and then publicly posted it on the site to reduce the sympathy factor for how she treated this woman.

This has been a pattern for Dr. Irene. She finds people, she praises them, then she dumps them. She did it with the original webmaster. Then she did it again recently.

Dr. Irene did help me with a controlling abusive relationship. I don't think she is a charlatan or a quack as she was well grounded in effective cognitive techniques. She also can be warm, generous, and charming.

Until she is threatened. Then she can cut you off so quick.. which I could respect if she was honest about it.

However, she acts flippy and weird and plays dumb and doesn't remember people she's worked with for six years and acts like a victim when she started it all.

She just goes loopy in a very manipulative way, if that makes any sense.

Read the rest of this thread! Click Here!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Silencing the Lambs

The agenda is very clear at the Catbox and at Our Place and The Next Right Choice... it is NOBLE to suffer... don't get angry... don't seek to do anything about your abuse... just suffer... oh, you might seek out some counseling for you co-dependency issues... but other than that... just climb up and nail yourself to a cross... and hang there... give everything over to your abuser... give him the house... the business... the money... the cars... give him your self esteem... and RUN... oh yes... RUN... don't try to fight your abuse... even after you're out and safe... no... don't do that.... just RUN and preferably HIDE... forever... don't think about it...

hey... go get yourself on ANTIDEPRESSANTS... that's the CURE... make yourself so numb you no longer care... .and so, you've lost everything... so what?... a nice BUBBLEBATH is the answer to that!!!... PAMPER YOURSELF... so what you have nothing to pamper yourself with!!... just PRETEND to!!... hey... living in poverty is NOBLE... it makes you ever so much better than your abuser!!!.... and don't forget to FEEL SORRY for your abuser!... now that's really NOBLE... he's not a sick piece of twisted pathological heartless crap!!... NO!.... he's a poor pathetic shell of a man!!... although he never showed you any mercy or pity... he is deserving of it HIMSELF!!...

above all... DO NOT BE ANGRY... no... that's not productive... at least not productive to the agenda of the Catbox and Our Place... they NEED you to be suffering... so they can FEED off you... misery loves company... it's hard to devour someone who is ANGRY... just ask ANY abuser!!!!...

that's why no information is ever disseminated on the Catbox or Our Place... they don't want women to become EMPOWERED with knowledge or information!!... or with motivating anger...

they want women to stay wounded and reeling... powerless and afraid... no one ever addresses the horrible behavior of the ABUSER... instead they spend their time psychobabbling about 'personal growth'... that's the whole problem, you know... it wasn't that he was simply a raving raging psychopath... no... it's your lack of 'personal growth' that is the problem... you just need to 'get over it'... 'forget about it'... 'get on with your life'... and do all of that while FEELING SORRY for your abuser...

total utter bullshit.............


Trubbles Catbox is just the tip of the iceberg


Trubbles Catbox and Dr. Irene didn't just suddenly become abusive....they have ALWAYS been abusive....they had always pushed their agenda that women are to blame for their own abuse.....through the myth of co-dependency.....the 'administrative team' at the Catbox will henceforth be referred to as the woman hating Irene's flying monkeys.......
her original lap monkeys gleefully dished out abuse to abused women for years before the blowup of 08.....they shamed, blamed, chastised, berated and abused anyone and everyone who did not follow the carefully drawn party line.......'YOU ARE TO BLAME FOR YOUR ABUSE'...they continually attacked dissenters......while turning a blind eye to abusive board members who aided and abetted them in pushing their of the top abusive psych cases on there was one who called herself DISCO.......when Irene went off her meds or off her rocker, or a combination of both in 08.....while she was merrily attacking the rank and file abuse victims on her forum........her flying monkeys joined in, lashing out with wild abandon.....and defended the wicked witch .....and continued to do so........until Irene turned her vitriol and rage on them, too.........ohhhhh.......then widdle flying monkey feelings got hurt........and when she threw them all out of 'her house' like yesterday's garbage......they flew over to invision power board.....and set up their own franchise........OUR PLACE....setting up some stiff competition for Irene in the abusive abuse forum realm......same abusive flying monkeys.......same abusive name........Our Place reads people's PM's too..they of course claim to be kinder and gentler.. but they're not.......they snoop into poster's messages to other posters.......just like they did at the Catbox.....they control and manipulate the posts and the is primarily comprised of old soldiers......some of the most prolific posters on there have been hacking away at abused women for years......they were once perhaps abused women themselves...but over the years they have become abusers.......chewing up and spitting out the 'newbies'......tender fresh meat.......yum yum.......
and any 'newbie' is suspect........why, you might be a mole from the franchise across the street.....Trubbles Catbox!!.......anyone who wanders on there is scrutinized and investigated behind the scenes.........they trace your IP......they put tracking cookies on your computer..... the paranoia behind the masks they all wear is rampant.......
add it all up and it spells........NARCISSIST.....they are all what they claim to be fighting against.....they are all sneaking, conniving, backstabbing, paranoid control freak narcissists......hell bent on further controlling women who are trying to break free of having been controlled........if you are an abused woman.........BEWARE..........check out other forums first.......there are lots of good ones out there.... is a very good is which is maintained by another abuse victim who was driven off the Catbox and off another forum created by some Catobox alumni....The Next Right Choice....she was banned from both, for posting INFORMATION ....INFORMATION that might help some poor victim SURVIVE ..... they don't like real INFORMATION to be posted at the Catbox or at Our Place or at The Next Right Choice....articles...professional opinions....anything and everything that doesn't jibe with the "YOU'RE TO BLAME" and CODEPENDENCY crap they espouse is not welcome.....and they make that very clear to anyone posting it.............if you are an abused should avoid Trubbles Catbox....Our Place and The Next Right Choice..........or you'll likely come crawling out of all of them in worse shape than you went in........