Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trubbles Catbox is just the tip of the iceberg


Trubbles Catbox and Dr. Irene didn't just suddenly become abusive....they have ALWAYS been abusive....they had always pushed their agenda that women are to blame for their own abuse.....through the myth of co-dependency.....the 'administrative team' at the Catbox will henceforth be referred to as the woman hating Irene's flying monkeys.......
her original lap monkeys gleefully dished out abuse to abused women for years before the blowup of 08.....they shamed, blamed, chastised, berated and abused anyone and everyone who did not follow the carefully drawn party line.......'YOU ARE TO BLAME FOR YOUR ABUSE'...they continually attacked dissenters......while turning a blind eye to abusive board members who aided and abetted them in pushing their agenda.......one of the top abusive psych cases on there was one who called herself DISCO.......when Irene went off her meds or off her rocker, or a combination of both in 08.....while she was merrily attacking the rank and file abuse victims on her forum........her flying monkeys joined in, lashing out with wild abandon.....and defended the wicked witch .....and continued to do so........until Irene turned her vitriol and rage on them, too.........ohhhhh.......then widdle flying monkey feelings got hurt........and when she threw them all out of 'her house' like yesterday's garbage......they flew over to invision power board.....and set up their own franchise........OUR PLACE....setting up some stiff competition for Irene in the abusive abuse forum realm......same abusive flying monkeys.......same abusive agenda.....new name........Our Place reads people's PM's too..they of course claim to be kinder and gentler.. but they're not.......they snoop into poster's messages to other posters.......just like they did at the Catbox.....they control and manipulate the posts and the posters....it is primarily comprised of old soldiers......some of the most prolific posters on there have been hacking away at abused women for years......they were once perhaps abused women themselves...but over the years they have become abusers.......chewing up and spitting out the 'newbies'......tender fresh meat.......yum yum.......
and any 'newbie' is suspect........why, you might be a mole from the franchise across the street.....Trubbles Catbox!!.......anyone who wanders on there is scrutinized and investigated behind the scenes.........they trace your IP......they put tracking cookies on your computer..... the paranoia behind the masks they all wear is rampant.......
add it all up and it spells........NARCISSIST.....they are all what they claim to be fighting against.....they are all sneaking, conniving, backstabbing, paranoid control freak narcissists......hell bent on further controlling women who are trying to break free of having been controlled........if you are an abused woman.........BEWARE..........check out other forums first.......there are lots of good ones out there.... www.saferelationshipsmagazine.com is a very good one...as is abusesanctuary.blogspot.com... which is maintained by another abuse victim who was driven off the Catbox and off another forum created by some Catobox alumni....The Next Right Choice....she was banned from both, for posting INFORMATION ....INFORMATION that might help some poor victim SURVIVE ..... they don't like real INFORMATION to be posted at the Catbox or at Our Place or at The Next Right Choice....articles...professional opinions....anything and everything that doesn't jibe with the "YOU'RE TO BLAME" and CODEPENDENCY crap they espouse is not welcome.....and they make that very clear to anyone posting it.............if you are an abused woman...you should avoid Trubbles Catbox....Our Place and The Next Right Choice..........or you'll likely come crawling out of all of them in worse shape than you went in........

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