Wednesday, June 16, 2010



The American Journal of Psychobabble announced last week that there has been a new breakthrough therapy developed that appears to be a CURE for MAGICAL THINKING and TOXIC HOPE!

The numbers of sufferers of Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope are estimated to be in the tens of millions. This disorder affects not only the sufferers, but almost anyone they come into contact with. Those who get near sufferers often will complain of nausea, vomiting, severe headaches & stomach aches and a generalized feeling of homicidal rage.

The therapy was developed by a layperson; an angry, bitter, pissed off domestic violence victim from the midwest.

After being repeatedly subjected to symptoms related to contact with those suffering from Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope (MTTH), she set out to find a cure.

Experts are touting her breakthrough therapy as 'BRILLIANT' and 'INSPIRED' . In data released today, experts say that her therapy for sufferers of Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope (MTTH) appears to have a cure rate of 100%.

Research Data

Participants in the research were chosen from three online help forums for abused women. Each participant was hand selected by the developer of the therapy, based upon the participant's degree of infection, and levels of sanctimony and contemptuousness.

In test cases,participants were stripped of all worldly possessions, and had all sources of income cut off. The research participants were then parachuted into Appalachia, an area chosen for it's isolation and unforgiving climate .

The participants then had their hands and feet bound, to simulate the feelings of being trapped and unable to break free. Participants were then attacked, chided, and berated relentlessly for one week. They were told they were to blame for the situation they were in, accused of not doing anything to HELP themselves & not trying hard enough, called codependent and told repeatedly that it was all their own fault.

Participants were then fitted with permanently attached headphones through which researchers chanted 'get over it' , 'get on with your life', 'move on', 'stop whining' and 'you're just not trying hard enough'. If the Participants complained even once of unfairness or tried to explain the realities of their situations to ANYONE - they were called 'bitter' and 'angry' and cut off.

more meds Pictures, Images and Photos

Participants were then released into a remote part of Appalachia, famous for being a place where REAL HOPE, let alone TOXIC HOPE, has seldom if ever been seen.

Participants were given a restraining order and a 200 dollar food stamp card and ordered to 'rebuild' their lives from the ground up in the next 30 days.

Partcipants were allowed to chant all the positive affirmations they cared to. They were allowed 12 hours a day of internet access to their HELP AND ADVICE forums, and they were allowed up to 25,000 phone calls a day to Domestic Violence Hotlines and Sherlters, Legal Aid, and various Social Service Agencies.

Participants were routinely denied medical treatment, psychiatric treatment, prescription medications, including access to antidepressants. Partcipants were also denied basic human needs such as shelter, utilities and financial assistance.

When researchers returned to pick up the participants 30 days later, each and every one was pronounced 100% CURED, and 100% DEAD.

Autopsies revealed that all partcipants had succumbed to OVERWHELMING REALITY.

News of the success of this breakthrough therapy brought in a flood of donations from people who had long suffered the effects of being in close proximity to sufferers of Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope (MTTH). The developer has announced that donors were 'overwhelming in their generosity'. The developer also received a 100 million dollar grant from the American Psychiatric Association.

Last week, the developer of this astonishingly simple, yet brilliant theraputic treatment announced 'anyone with a friend or relative suffering from Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope needs to contact our research facility immediately. We now have funds to cover treatment for anyone in need. Thankfully we can now fully HOPE and expect this terrible disorder to eradicated in our lifetime!'

Phone lines were jammed for over 72 hours as calls flooded in, and cell phone providers were overloaded. Airlines were booked to capacity and had to add new flights. Gas shortages and traffic jams were reported across the country, due to friends and family attempting to deliver sufferers directly to the research facility for treatment.

Yesterday it was reported that the developer is almost certain to be nominated for and win the Nobel Peace Prize. When told of this the developer vowed to donate all prize money toward development of a another therapy she has devised which she believes will be the cure for PSYCHOPATHY. We will publish updates to this exciting new research as they become available.

Anne Taintor Medication Retro Vintage Pictures, Images and Photos

Due to over 25,000,000 letters and calls to the CBS network from friends and faimly of sufferers of Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope (MTTH); the network announced that next season's SURVIVOR will be SURVIVOR: APPALACHIA . The network announced that they have hired the developer of the therapeutic treatment for Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope to be head creative consultant for next season's show. Auditions for sufferers of Magical Thinking and Toxic Hope are set to begin next Tuesday.

CBS executives say they believe this will be the most watched SURVIVOR ever; they have secured numerous sponsors for the program, and are so confident that this will be a season with ZERO survivors, that they have upped the prize package to 250,000,000 dollars, and a new Toyota Tundra pickup truck.

Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.
Mike McGrannahan
Kansas City, Missouri
Dog Murderer, Wife Beater, Alcoholic, Drug Addict, Con Man
join in the fight to stamp out PSYCHOPATHS

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


That Branch Up Your Ass - It Isn't Attractive

by Korin Mumford

I recently had the misfortune of being exposed to another one of those puke-inducing sentimentality emails - you know, the kind that go on and on about how a Twue Fwiend (tm) will do X, Y, and Z for you, and aren't you glad you said you loved your mother today? This one, however, was a pathetic attempt to salve the egos of a certain type of girl and at the same time reinforce the idea that she's incomplete on her own and must just wait for the man to come along, while continuing to create the ideal of women as prizes for men to compete over.

"Tree of Life"

Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.

Vomit-inducing crap. So I turned around and sent it back to the sender, along with a list of questions.

So, are you assuming you're one of the apples at the top of the tree or at the bottom?

If you're assuming you're one of the ones at the top...why? What makes you that special?

What criteria does it take for a woman to be considered one of the "rotten apples from the ground"?

Why don't you think you fit that description?

What, exactly, is this email supposed to do?

Okay, so it's a sad try at soothing the bruised egos of girls who can't get a boyfriend, right?

Have you ever wondered WHY those girls can't get a boyfriend?

Have you ever wondered why they're all so desperate to get one, anyway?

What's wrong with being happy with yourself as a whole, individual, independent person?

Why must you base your sense of self-worth on whether or not you have boys after you? You see, if you had your own inherent sense of self-worth and self-esteem, you wouldn't start to wonder "what's wrong with me?" when you're single.

Furthermore, if you're so desperate to be part of an "us" instead of just being an "I", why the hell are you sitting at the top of your tree with a branch up your ass, waiting?

Oddly enough, I haven't heard from her since. I wonder why that is..



WOW... i am sooooo sorry!!... here i was, thinking the Administrators and Sycophant Sorority sisters (a.k.a. the sooper sekrit forum members) at
Our Place Vain Encounters and the Next Right Choice and now at ALL ABOUT HIM were just brainless, overmedicated, sanctimonious, vapid morons!!...

Nope... looks like you're all suffering from a DISORDER... you've all got L.O.A.D!!.. and from looking through the symptoms checklist.... looks like you're all terminal... no cure... no treatment... i'm certain you'll take it with a smile, stay upbeat, and find something good in having this disorder...

i hope you'll all be able to offer each other comfort and support... and multiple (((cyberhugs)))

What is L.O.A.D.?

Well, it is described by many of the family members as a frightening altered state much like the hypnotic trance or brainwashed state of cult members. It tends to strike the upper classes just as much, if not more than any other class, the highly educated, and more sophisticated members of society, which is what makes it so worrisome to the family members of those afflicted. Unfortunately, it affects many others as well, including those wishing to belong to the upper classes, those attempting to appear to belong, and even some who don't care about their social class at all.

As you can see, it affects a very broad spectrum of people which is ringing alarm bells for some scientists who believe the focus of genetic research funding should be shifted in this direction. as THE priority before it reaches pandemic proportions.

The Characteristics of The Disease
Checklist:If you observe five or more of these signs in a particular subject, it should be an indication that L.O.A.D. may be present and just out of the incubation stage of the disease making it still manageable with immediate treatment.

If the subject is presenting any of the following, he or she should be detained for further assessment

1. A tendency towards an arrogant certainty about an understanding of the lives and feelings of others, especially complete strangers.

2. Disdain for others not included in the LOAD sufferers' group/family or organization.

3. A need to believe he or she has total control of other people and situations

4. Denial of any evidence which puts the beliefs of the sufferer in question.

5. A tendency to regress easily to the level of flocks, herds or pack animals.

6. A display of territorial thinking or behaviour.

7. A tendency to attempt to "hide" an obvious truth or evidence in order to defend
an untenable position or the current social status quo, even when doing so harms everyone.

8. An apparent inability to hear doublethink or doublespeak, even when it is coming out of the sufferer's own mouth.

9. A belief that he or she is somehow magically ''hidden'' and cannot be seen or heard, even though ten feet (three meters) or less separates him or her from the "other" from whom he or she is supposedly ''hiding.''

10. A belief that his/her personal concrete experience in life represents an abstract truth that can be applied to all others universally and any disagreement from any of those others should be invalidated immediately.

11. A tendency to label others in order to create a closed system of containment designed to keep the fears and anxiety of the LOAD sufferer at bay.

12. A refusal to communicate directly and honestly and an exhibited preference for talking about, or sometimes AT, anyone who disagrees with his/her judgements.

13. A tendency to enlist the aid of others (usually covertly) in order to force those disagree to accept his/her version of "reality" by means of the application of group pressure.

14. An automatic, well entrenched, invalidating response to any argument or suggestion that the LOAD sufferer could ever be wrong about anything.

indifference Pictures, Images and Photos

15. Speaks and thinks in absolute abstract terms, avoiding concrete details.

16. A tendency to contract the anal muscles in an unnatural manner.
17. Operates from behind a haughty, superior or rigid facade.

18. Often social climbs in order to validate delusions about superior understanding or worth as a human being.

19. Inappropriate affects:
Particularly predominant is flat affect. (no emotional response at all to anything) eg: You tell them you have been assaulted by Uncle Bob, or even that something positive happened to you and they "humour" you, wearing a mask like face, "Oh really. How interesting." He or she may even make a side remark to a friend in your presence such as, "the poor thing."

20. Inappropriate Laughter or Smiling:
eg: You are being harassed by a contemptuous group of people on a subway or other public transportation and the onlookers decide to join in the "fun." You dare to react with anger and complain about being abused by others without reason and the LOAD sufferers among them smile or smirk, their little insane eyeballs twinkling with high amusement about your complaint of their behaviour.

Disdain or contempt:
You keep trying to tell your psychiatrist (who really has no time to listen to your nonsense)your therapist, your friends, or your relatives the truth about what happened to you and are treated with more and more contempt for refusing to "let it go" and stop trying to be heard.

Mocking and Ridiculing:
Especially when presented along with symptom 5.

21. Unrealistic fantastic view of "authority" figures. Eg: Parents never lie, teachers aren't abusive, doctors can't be wrong, bosses aren't ever jerks, landlords don't break laws and religious leaders can't have hidden agendas.

22. LOAD sufferers will often go to any lengths to reduce the awareness of others as a reaction to feeling threatened with self awareness, or of experiencing an unwanted increase in their own awareness. There is an unrealistic ongoing expectation that others will deny their own experience and feelings if the LOAD sufferer simply pretends it is not "real." The expectation appears to be that the invalidate other will adapt him/herself to embrace the LOAD sufferer's delusional belief system.

23. In times of distress, LOAD sufferers tend to close ranks and seek reinforcement in their trance-like brainwashed state from other sufferers who are more than wiling to support their beliefs, needs and Dis-ease.

As you can see, this is an extremely difficult disorder to treat as the defense mechanisms of the acute sufferer are so well entrenched it is nearly impossible to to locate a chink in his or her psychological armour. All we can really do is keep trying and continue to expose the pathology of this terrible disorder to the world at large in the hope that public awareness will promote the change and encourage offerings of research funding which will allow us to search for a cure. We all need to break the silence in order to generate the interest that will help us move towards a cure for these poor unfortunate self-deluded people.

With scientists funded to do the research necessary to find a treatment, it is hoped they will be able to find a way to unblock the receptors in the brain which are preventing truth from traveling freely along the neural pathways of the LOAD sufferer.

Once developed, hospitals will be able to put out a public call for volunteers who suffer from the effects of receiving too little information, in order to test their new atypical unblockers. This will be under carefully controlled conditions so that the rate of truth allowed into the subjects' brains can be slowed to a safe level. They don't want the LOAD sufferers to go into shock without any medical supervision. (as we all know, psychiatrists prefer to have super-vision at all times. In this I find myself in agreement with them. I also would prefer psychiatrists to have much more supervision.)

It should be noted that many LOAD sufferers often have a dual diagnosis. Many have been previously diagnosed with A.P.D. (Arrogant Personality Disorder) In such advanced cases, prognosis tends to be rather poor and the disease may only be managed to the terminal stage, which occurs often as a result of toxicity from permanent anal stricture. Though not all LOAD sufferers die of their Diseases, in extreme cases, carrying this kind of LOAD for too long can be terminal.

By P. Lefave, D.D.(P)


Monday, June 14, 2010

The Pack Mentality: Our Place, The Next Right Choice, All About Him & The Catbox's Operating Manual

by Tertia Loebenberg

What is it about anonymity that brings out the worst in people? I don’t get it.

I know that I am perhaps too honest sometimes, too public, too open and so I am probably not the best person to understand this, but I really do not get why people think they can be rude / hateful / spiteful / nasty / mean / just plain ugly if they think they can get away with it. What I want to know is, don’t they feel just a little bit bad? Do they have a conscience? When they go to sleep at night, do they feel at least a smattering of guilt for what they have done to others? How does being anonymous change who you really are? If you believe so strongly in your opinion / belief, then say it openly. Stand up and have the strength of your convictions. Be proud of who you are and what you have to say. The fact that you are hiding behind anonymity makes me think that either you are a coward, or deep down, you doubt what you have to say.

There is an online support forum that I sometimes read. I don’t participate too often for obvious reasons, but I read, just in case there is someone I can reach out to and help / offer encouragement etc. This forum is set up in a way that allows people to post anonymously, with pretty much a guarantee that their identity will not be known. And people use this in the most spiteful of ways. They post their regular posts under their ‘known name or pseudonym and when they get pissed at someone or something, they post anonymously. They attack other people, say horrible things, be really mean… all because they can get away with it.

I honesty don’t get it. I find it extremely cowardly and deceitful. It smacks of bullying. Of meanness. And it brings out the worst kind of pack mentality among others. It is so ugly. I would hate to ever be that ugly.

Of course there are many occasions when being anonymous is absolutely acceptable and even preferable. There are times when knowing one’s real identity could be dangerous / embarrassing etc. Although I am very open and public, I do understand that many others choose not to be so open. That’s fine. My issue is with the people who spew hatred and ugliness towards others only because they can get away with it. My feeling is that if you feel that strongly about something, stand up and say it openly. Be proud of what you believe in.

The hate comments, the slander and hate sites, the vicious attacks, belittling other people …… is that how you think it should be done?

I wonder…. do these people have a conscience? Do you think they feel even slightly guilty about the distress they cause others? I can’t believe that they don’t. I know I am naïve, but I just find it impossible to believe that anyone could be so hateful to others and not feel at least a bit bad.

But then, if they don’t feel bad, let me ask this question: if it was done to them, would they feel hurt or upset? And if they still feel their behaviour is justifiable, let me ask another question: if someone had to do what you did to your daughter or son, how would you feel about it then?

I was disappointed to see how on the forum I mentioned, a group of regular posters hid behind anonymity to attack a fellow regular poster (admin). How the pack mentality came out when they realized they could get away with it. That’s not on. Really not on. This ugly veiled cloak of anonymity has facilitated a free-for-all vicious attack from people who don’t have the guts to stand and openly say what they really think. What a pity. And to think that it is supposed to be a support forum.

Are you proud of yourself for making that woman feel shit about herself? Are you? Was it necessary to attack her? Even if you believe she is an asshole / wrong / whatever, do you really think you did the right thing? I don’t know. I don’t think being anonymous excuses you from basic human decency. I think you should be ashamed of yourself actually. I think you acted like a bunch of bullies.

I see it all the time. Find a victim, someone who either rubs you up the wrong way, or does something that doesn’t fit into your definition of acceptable. Maybe even someone who you are a little jealous of, although you would never admit it, and publicly rip her to shreds while hiding behind your anonymity. Then sit back and watch while your fellow mean spirited cowards join in the feeding frenzy. Like a pack of hyenas picking at the bones of the befallen pray, cackling your evil laugh and congratulating yourself at yet another conquest. A hollow victory meant to inflate sense of self worth. Sad.

I find it very hard to understand. But mostly, I find it really sad that people like that exist out there.

Read more:
(Under Creative Commons License: Attribution)

Monday, April 26, 2010



“Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
William Shakespeare
Psychopaths, also called sociopaths, are categorized as those who exhibit superficial charm and intelligence, and are absent of delusions or nervousness. Their traits include:

Frequent lying
Deceitful and manipulative behavior (either goal-oriented or for the delight of the act itself)
Lack of remorse or shame
Antisocial behavior
Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience
Incapacity for love
Poverty of general emotions
Loss of insight
Unresponsiveness in personal relations
A frequent need for excitement
An inflated self-worth
An ability to rationalize their behavior
A need for complete power
A need to dominate others

Psychopathy is basically an emotional disorder.The crucial aspect of psychopathy is ... the emotional impairment. Although psychopaths don't feel emotion in a normal sense, they do experience boredom, envy, exhilaration, contempt, sadistic pleasure, anger, and hints of depression.

These character types, comprise at least 4% of the population and span every level of society. Psychopaths can be found in every race, culture, profession and class If a rational person tries to apply their logic while trying to understand the reason for an objective or act of a psychopath, they will fail.

In his book, The Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Cleckley, says that even during the most "solemn perjuries they show no difficulty at all in looking anyone tranquilly in the eyes." He adds that that they will "lie about any matter, under any circumstances." He explains that it is difficult to express how completely straightforward they appear when telling a blatant lie.

"The great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."-Adolph Hitler

"Lying, deceiving, and manipulation are natural talents for psychopaths," agreed Dr. Robert Hare, in his book, Without Conscience. "When caught in a lie or challenged with the truth, they are seldom perplexed or embarrassed--they simply change their stories or attempt to rework the facts so that they appear to be consistent with the lie."

Psychopaths are always able to justify their actions, no matter how brutal. They have, "an ability to rationalize their behavior so that it appears warranted, reasonable, and justified," says Dr. Cleckley. Dr. Hare added, "Psychopaths show a stunning lack of concern for the devastating effects their actions have on others. Often they are completely forthright about the matter, calmly stating that they have no sense of guilt, and are not sorry for the pain and destruction they have caused," which, says Dr. Hare, "is associated with a remarkable ability to rationalize their behavior."

Psychopathy is untreatable. Most therapists won't work with them because they often end up damaged in the process. Dr. Hare explained, "Such counseling would be wasted on psychopaths."

Some of them will even reflect the wishes of the therapist and pretend to begetting better.

In his book, People of The Lie, psychiatrist Dr. Scott Peck had this to say: "Among themselves therapists will not infrequently refer to a patient's psychopathology as being 'overwhelming.' We mean this literally. We literally feel overwhelmed by the labyrinthine mass of lies and twisted motives ... into which we will be drawn if we attempt to work with such people..."

Traditional therapeutic approaches actually make them, if not worse, then far more adept at manipulating others and concealing their behavior. They are generally considered to be not only incurable but also untreatable. Basically psychopaths are the way they are for life. In most legal jurisdictions they are considered sane. So technically, they're not mentally ill, just different.

Dr. Scott Peck concludes, "I have learned nothing in twenty years that would suggest that evil people can be rapidly influenced by any means other than raw power. They do not respond," he says, "to either gentle kindness or any form of spiritual persuasion with which I am familiar."


Where Are They?
When people hear the word psychopath, most think of the famous serial killers locked away in prison. However, most don't end up in prison or mental hospitals. The true difference between them and the psychopaths who continually go to jails or to psychiatric hospitals is that they keep up a far better and more consistent outward appearance of being normal.

This outward appearance, is essentially a mask, which may include business or professional careers that continue in a sense successful, and which are truly successful when measured by financial reward or by the casual observer's opinion of real accomplishment.

"Many psychopaths never go to prison or any other facility," says Dr.Robert Hare. "They appear to function reasonably well--as lawyers, doctors, psychiatrists, academics, mercenaries, police officers, cult leaders, military personnel, business people, writers, artists, entertainers, and so fourth--without breaking the law. Their intelligence, family background, social skills, and circumstances permit them to construct a facade of normalcy."

Most of these people are not just right in your churches, schools, charitable organizations, and workplaces, but by their very nature, they are likely running them. It is a core trait of the psychopath to place themselves in positions of influence, not for public service, but for power.

"The experience of pleasure is not reciprocal for the psychopath," stated Dr. Meloy, "it is available only through sadistic channels of power and control." Achieving power for the sake of having power is the nature of the psychopath. "They love to have power and control over others," agreed Dr. Hare.

The need for absolute power over others and the wish to inflict pain for the enjoyment of watching others suffer, are almost never apparent to the casual observer. The reason for this is that another core trait of the psychopath is disguise. So unfortunately, these individuals usually mask themselves as good-natured people. If they have tremendous wealth, you can bet that they'll create charitable organizations as part of their mask.

They are well aware that their mental makeup is drastically different from the majority. They have a sixth sense for detecting and exploiting any weakness you may have. At a very early age they learn that they can inflict mental and emotional harm on others with ease. They also learn how to detect others like themselves out of a crowd of normal people. Beginning in their childhood, most of them learn to mimic normal emotional reactions in order to blend in with society.

An article on Dr. Hare's website called, Psychopaths Among Us, by Robert Hercz, describes how Dr. Hare was contacted by Nicole Kidman, who wanted his advice on how to play the part of a psychopath for her film, Malice. Dr. Hare uses the anecdote of a psychopath who had just witnessed an accident where a mother watched her child get killed by a car. There's blood all over the place, and the psychopath experiences no emotion, but instead, is trying to avoid getting blood on her shoes. The psychopath notices the mother's emotional reaction to the accident and is fascinated. She goes home, looks in the mirror, and begins to mimic the facial expressions of the mother. "That's the psychopath," revealed Dr. Hare.

Any emotions which the primary psychopath exhibits are the fruits of watching and mimicking other people's emotions. They are adept at, using their charm and chameleonlike abilities to cut a wide swath through society and leaving a wake of ruined lives behind them.

More often than not,the typical psychopath will seem particularly agreeable and make a distinctly positive impression when he is first encountered. Alert and friendly in his attitude, he is easy to talk with and seems to have a good many genuine interests. There is nothing at all odd or queer about him, and in every respect he tends to embody the concept of a well-adjusted, happy person.
Psychopaths are often witty and articulate, they can be amusing and entertaining conversationalists, ready with quick and clever comeback, and can tell unlikely but convincing stories that cast themselves in a good light. They can be very effective in presenting themselves well and are often very likable and charming.

Remember, most of them don't psychically hurt people, so this is about mental and emotional domination. To accomplish these objectives, they will use their mask of sanity to place themselves in positions within your community. These positions may include school boards, charitable organizations, churches, politics, law enforcement, or any position which they believe will offer them power over others. These are the places where most psychopaths end up, not jail.




Many researchers agree that the traits exhibited by these people produce a division stronger than age, race, and religion, which places them in a new category of people. In other words, these people are not human as we know it. The word antisocial does not describe someone who prefers to sit at home rather than attend gatherings. More accurately it means antihuman.

Most people can't bring themselves to understand the mind-set of a psychopath, says Dr. Hare. Imagining the world as the psychopath experiences it is close to impossible.

In his book, Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski wrote, "The pathocratic world, the world of pathological egotism and terror, is so difficult to understand for people raised outside the scope of this phenomenon that they often manifest childlike naivete, even if they have studied psychopathology and are psychologists by profession."

But, if you can, try to imagine someone who seeks power for no reason other than to have power, or someone who deceives just to experience the delight of having done so. Or someone who tortures another person physically or emotionally for the enjoyment of watching them suffer. Imagine someone doing these things, and not losing a moment of sleep at night (zero remorse). And add to all this, the ability to conceal themselves from an extremely naive public.

Psychopaths are essentially aliens that look human.

Dr. Hare refers to psychopaths as "intraspecies predators." "There is a class of individuals who have been around forever and who are found in every race, culture, society and walk of life," he says. "If you think about it," he adds, "you will realize that what is missing in this picture are the very qualities that allow human beings to live in social harmony." "It is not a pretty picture," he warns, "and some express doubt that such people exist."

A 2005, report entitled, Antisocial Personality, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy, by North Carolina Wesleyan College, describes psychopaths as, "morally depraved individuals who represent the 'monsters' in our society. They are unstoppable and untreatable predators whose violence is planned, purposeful and emotionless."
In addition to carrying out goal-oriented acts, the psychopath will also deceive and create chaos for no reason other than the enjoyment of doing so. "He will," says Dr. Cleckley, "in fact, commit such deeds in the absence of any apparent goal at all." This critical factor is often the one which baffles most rational people. When seeking an explanation for the behavior of a psychopath, they will attempt to apply reason. But, when dealing with a psychopath, we must understand that psychopathy is the reason.

A a need for absolute power over others is a core trait of the psychopath. Goal-oriented deceitfulness, superficial charm, an outward friendly appearance, and having no remorse, are other traits which will allow them to achieve their goals. If they are also people of tremendous wealth, they will definitely use this to further their objectives. And because deceitfulness is a core psychopathic trait, this will probably be done by creating a humanitarian front organization.

Evil people are often busy building for themselves various fronts for disguise and to further their ambitions. Dr. Peck described, "They are likely to exert themselves more than most in their continuing effort to obtain and maintain an image of high respectability." So, unlike in the movies, evil does not reveal itself as the bad guy dressed in black, or the monster in plain site. Evil will very rarely expose itself to public light. It must hide. And it almost always hides under the guise of something righteous.
In fact, rather than hiding in the shadows dressed in black, it disguises itself in suits, uniforms, and charitable organizations, which allow it to deceive us into thinking it's our savior. This enables it to cause far greater damage. "While evil may manifest itself obviously ... it rarely does so," Dr. Peck proclaimed, and added, "those who are evil are masters of disguise."

In public, they impress us as men who are likeable, intelligent, refined, fair-minded, tolerant, thoughtful, kind, and gentile men who sincerely care about such matters as the environment, the plight of the hungry and starving overseas, the jobless, and the poverty-stricken. Moreover, they often are recognized as leaders in the legitimate quest for world peace and tranquility. Many are active in church work and charitable organizations. Others give freely to good causes. No one would suspect for a moment what actually goes on in the deep, dark recesses of their diabolical minds.


The Victims of Psychopaths


It's very difficult to describe with words an event that must be experienced in order to understand. The event I'm referring to is the observation of the psychopath or psychopathic system in its true form, after the mask has been removed. It can be described as something deeply horrific.

This is a gut-wrenching experience for a normal person, and can cause severe trauma, especially if they can't escape it.

If someone has personally experienced such a nightmarish reality, she considers people who have not progressed in understanding it within the same time frame to be simply presumptuous, sometimes even malicious.

This experience is unceremoniously rejected by others and becomes a psychological burden for her, forcing her to live within a narrow circle of persons whose experiences have been similar.


Forums, Organizations, and other Psychopath Mobs

This encounter with a psychopathic element has been the experience of many Mobbing and Hidden Evil targets across the planet. The objective of these harassment campaigns of a psychopath is instill a perverted sense of loyalty toward the one responsible for the harassment. This makes perfect sense when the pathological factor is considered. Sadistic control is also an element of perversion which is an indication of psychopathic disturbance. Psychopaths view people as little more than objects to be used for their own gratification.

The weak and the vulnerable--whom they mock, rather than pity--are favorite targets. This helps to explain the reports of people being targeted by the Hidden Evil for no particular reason, other than being decent. A psychopathic program will target such people.

Just as the creators of this program are masked as humanitarians, the program itself is masked as beneficial and necessary. Naive individuals who participate, may not immediately recognize this. But a percentage of those who control, as well as those on the lower levels who follow and harass targets, are psychopaths. And they're aware of the true nature of this program. That's why the joined.
The outer layer closest to the original content is used for the group's propaganda purposes. Average people succumb to the first layer's suggestive insinuations for a long time before they learn to understand the second one as well. Anyone with certain psychological deviations, especially if she is wearing the mask of normality ... immediately perceives the second layer to be attractive and significant; after all, it was built by people like her.

The pathological factor also helps to clarify why people who are, arguably, more spiritually and morally evolved than the masses, are being identified and targeted.

These types of individuals are the first to be targeted in regimes controlled by psychopath. The psychopath's perception of others' pleasures arouses only envy and greed in themselves. And that they receive gratification of sadistic impulses through intentional infliction of emotional or physical pain upon others.

Psychopathic individuals who never enter psychotherapy are paradigms of this hatred of goodness, although envy is not consciously felt, it is the driving force for the motivation of their destructive behavior. What best describes this behavior is "manipulative cycling" which includes a "mocking, and controlling attitude" while attacking their targets.


The Real Deal

A small portion of the population have a psychological makeup which is much different than most. They are completely aware of their difference. They also know that most people are not aware of this profound separation. The difference includes an emotional deficiency, accompanied by a lack of remorse, which allows them to operate outside of standard moral boundaries. They are able to conceal this difference to some degree and usually appear to be generous and friendly.

They consistently engage in antisocial behavior which includes destroying people's lives, in order to feed their inflated egos. During this process they frequently enjoy mocking their targets, which they see as weak, or are envious of. They will inflict pain upon others for no reason other than the enjoyment of doing so. They span all levels of society.

They are considered to be a sub species of humans; monsters.






MIKE MCGRANNAHAN (dead 4/25/10)

“I do not bring forgiveness with me, nor forgetfulness. The only ones who can forgive are dead; the living have no right to forget.”-Chaim Herzog

''Justice is incidental to law and order."-J. Edgar Hoover

Friday, April 16, 2010


if this doesn't describe the toxic babble on Our Place, the Next Right Choice and all those flying monkeys... I don't know what does... shove that 'positive thinking' cyberbabble... you're re-victimizing abuse survivors!!!

Clueless Idiot Pictures, Images and Photos

The Cult of Positive Thinking Blames All The People Who Falter or Fail in Life For Their Own Misfortune

by Johann Hari

I am thinking of writing a book called The Power of Negative Thinking. Subtitle: Let's Hear It For Hate. Yes, let's hear it for pure, undiluted loathing, for negativity, for black-eyed bile.

I say this because I have just pored through the "book" that has thwacked Harry Potter into second place and sent The Da Vinci Code spinning back into its Vatican vault. The Secret - written by Australian reality TV producer Rhonda Byrne - has sold six million DVDs and books since it first sprouted a few months ago, even earning the recommendation of St Oprah of the Screaming Studios.

In its slim 198 pages, it crystallises a sit-up-and-smile-right culture that is, in fact, making us all more miserable.

The Secret boasts that it can change your life. On every page. At least three times. Byrne brags that she has uncovered the One True Law that guarantees success. "I began tracing the Secret back through history," she writes. "I couldn't believe all the people who knew this. They were the greatest people in history: Plato, Shakespeare, Newton..." and on and on.

So what is this not-very secret Secret? It is the most extreme strain of positive thinking yet preached. In a desperate attempt to give it a scientific sheen, Byrne calls it "The Law of Attraction".

You are, she says, like a giant transponder, sending signals out into the universe.
"Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency." If you send out negative thoughts, you will attract negative things into your life. If you send out positive thoughts, positive things will come. "It is exactly like placing an order in a catalogue," she says. Exactly.
whores Pictures, Images and Photos

If you want a mansion, you need to really, really picture a mansion, believe in it - and it will be yours. Ask, believe, receive. "The Universe will start to rearrange itself to make it happen for you... If you see it in your mind, you're going to hold it in your hand."

If you plough enough positive thinking into something, it will "always" happen. As one "case study" in the book puts it, "I would visualise a parking space exactly where I wanted it, and 95 per cent of the time it would be there for me and I would just pull right in." Another "case study" is of a woman diagnosed with breast cancer who shunned medical treatment, pictured herself without breast cancer really, really hard - and the cancer vanished.

By taking the cult of positive thinking, which stretches back to Norman Vincent Peale's famous book in the 1950s, to this barking extreme, The Secret reveals what was wrong with the idea all along: it instinctively blames all the people who falter or fail in life for their own misfortune.

Look at the pressure always put on people diagnosed with cancer, who are entitled to be wailingly, howlingly depressed, to "stay positive".

The American writer Barbara Ehrenreich wrote recently:
"I hate hope. It was hammered into me constantly when I was being treated for breast cancer", and, she believes, it only places "an additional burden on the sick and aggrieved".

The Secret takes this further, saying: "Our physiology creates disease to give us feedback, to let us know we have an unbalanced perspective, or we're not being loving and grateful." Ah, Aids - a sign of ingratitude. Cancer - a sign you don't love.

The Secret takes this to its sick logical conclusion. Did the 9/11 victims "attract" Mohammed Atta? Did the Jews "attract" Auschwitz? Yes: "If people believe they can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, those thoughts can attract them to being in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Bob Proctor, one of the "gurus" who features heavily in the book, was asked on the TV show Nightline whether the children of Darfur - currently being hunted down and murdered for being black - had been thinking negative thoughts that "manifested" in the Janjaweed. He replied, "I think the country probably has."

The Secret isn't only a piece of charlatanry; it's a social barometer that reveals something sad about our psyches after 30 years of spiralling inequality and the collapse of political hope.

The rise of self-help exactly coincides with the decline of faith in collective political solutions. You won't find an answer out there, through getting involved with the society you live in, it says. "I made a decision I would not watch the news or read newspapers any more, because it did not make me feel good," Byrne declares. She urges her readers to shun their friends if they become sick, because "you are inviting illness if you are listening to people talking about their illness".

You shouldn't even look at fat people because that lets "fat thoughts" into your mind. (If you already looked at my byline picture - too late, fatso.)

positive thinking Pictures, Images and Photos

If it seems like a leap from The Secret to the ballot box, you just have to turn to the book's explicitly political pronouncements. "Why do you think that 1 per cent of the population earns around 96 per cent of the money that's being earned?" it asks.

Massive tax cuts, markets rigged in the favour of the rich, the rise of a right-wing ideology? No, "the rich think thoughts of abundance and wealth, and they do not allow any contradictory thoughts to take root in their minds." And as for the poor, "the only reason any person does not have enough money is because they are blocking money from coming to them in their thoughts."

The American self-help industry, inevitably drifting across the Atlantic, has always been a reactionary response to economic stresses beyond the control of citizens sitting at home alone. Since the 1950s, whenever there has been a sense of economic anxiety - and for most poor and middle-class Americans, the Bush years have been a time of declining relative incomes even as the super-rich soar off into the stratosphere - this industry has been there with a simple message: the problem is within you.

One of the reasons Bush has got away with so much is that so many Americans have internalised the cruel myths of the self-help industry. I can't think of a sadder symbol of the Bush years than the news that the One God, One Thought Church is screening The Secret DVD to their housing counselling programme "to show people who feel hopeless that they can own a home". Don't create political pressure for cheap houses for Katrina refugees; just tell them to visualise it very, very hard.

This is the real secret - that the book is a pure expression of Bushism: a slop of rancid aspiration-speak masking selfishness, social collapse and religiose myth-making.

In place of this siren vision of self-help, let's help each other. In place of obsessively changing yourself, let's change the world. And in place of blithe, blind optimism, yes - let's hate.






Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Healing Power of Anger

(uh oh... look out biatches... a DOCTOR says anger is a GOOD THING!! Look out... TRUTH ALERT... go ram your head up your ass ASAP!!)
angry woman Pictures, Images and Photos

by Dr. John Rifkin


The healing power of anger can transform you.

It is possible to change how anger affects ourselves and our loved ones. Happiness is not the absence of anger, but the intimate knowledge of how to make it work in your life.

An expert on teaching people about healing and anger, Dr. John Rifkin is a licensed Clinical Psychologist in Boulder, Colorado who is breaking new ground in the understanding of anger. Dr. Rifkin explains that we should not and, indeed, cannot stop anger from happening.

Anger is a natural, healthy energy that has an emotional spectrum that ranges like a thermometer from ice cold to red hot.

Between ice-cold and red-hot extremes, anger has a normal and healthy range that empowers and fulfills your life, even if you don't understand that it's anger at work.
Anger is not just about yelling and screaming. The energy known as anger is always present in everyone.

Understanding anger and getting past the stereotypes and misconceptions!

"The Third Gift"

Almost everyone understands anger's power to be destructive. People say things in anger that hurt other people's feelings and even act out their anger violently, causing physical injury and pain.

What is not well understood is that anger is a valuable part of the human emotional experience. Anger is not some dysfunctional, testosterone-induced malfunction in the human design. It is there for a reason and it is extremely valuable. Your anger has the power to help you to heal the injuries both from your childhood as well as those that you experience in your daily life . Anger is the natural healing energy that the body generates in response to injury. Along with sadness and fear, it is a secondary emotion that occurs in response to the pain of injury.

nderstand the full meaning of anger and the role it is meant to play in the development of your own personal power and healing... It will help you as you learn how to resolve conflicts in your intimate relationships.... and take back your self-esteem!

It also explains why I have come to believe that Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is the universal underlying diagnosis for all of us. I discuss the process of working to heal trauma, how to deal effectively with anxiety problems, and the relationship between anxiety and anger.

Wait!!... I'm not entitled to be angry right?... or have 'violent revenge fantasies...? nothing a good bubble bath or some cookies wouldn't solve right?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


dearest darling psychonarc
i'm so forlorn, now we're apart

i miss the way you used to gloat
and wrap your hands around my throat

i miss the way you used to smirk
i miss the way you used to lurk

i miss the way we never talked
and now alas, i'm being stalked.

why do you call me and not speak
is it heartache makes you meek?

is that you dear, coming nearer
when i glance into my rear view mirror?

as you watch me from afar
are you making plans to steal THE car?

if you plan for us to meet again
where can they find your next of kin....

Monday, March 22, 2010



The victims of narcissists are relentlessly re-victimized by a rationale for blaming the victim called co-dependence. I am still waiting for some evidence or explanation to persuade me that there is such a thing, so I’m still open to the idea. But, sorry, I haven’t heard a single reason to think that there even is such a thing as co-dependence. So, I am very skeptical.

I’ll share my reasons for that skepticism, not so much to persuade you as to give you reason for pause, some food for thought.

Reason 1
I trust science, including medical science. But not blindly. I know science and have seen enough bad science to have no illusions about the integrity of scientists and doctors. I know that they are just people, as capable of dishonesty as any other people, that they herd, gaining up in groupthink. They mocked Louis Pasteur. They predicted the end of the world by now due to population explosion. They ignored the evidence in favor of a low carbohydrate diet for decades, till it suddenly became the politically correct rage. And now they are pulling the same stunt with their faux science on global warming.

But the rest of science and medical science is squeaky clean compared to psychology.

I have always been amazed at what passes for “science” in psychology. Psychology experiments are notorious for not following scientific method, even to the point of not controlling the variables. True, other doctors sometimes differ in their diagnoses, and we can identify fashion trends in diagnosis. But other doctors are near perfect in the reproducibility of their results compared to psychiatrists. Psychiatrists are notorious for diagnosing the same person differently. They are notorious for covering all bases by “throwing the book” at a patient with a diagnosis of several disorders. And they are notorious for following fashion trends in diagnosis.

Moreover, for obvious reasons, the profession attracts more than its share of narcissists and others manifestly odd and eccentric. In one of the universities I attended, the whole psych department was flaky except for one – yes but one – professor.Sorry, I know it’s taboo to know this truth, but I do. Every profession attracts more than its share of something that doesn’t belong there.

For example, the priesthood and the teaching profession attract more than their share of pedophiles. Police work attracts more than its share of bullies. And so on. So, let’s face it: psychology attracts more than it’s share of fruitcakes.What does this mean? Does it mean that we should doubt everything the established medical authorities say? No. It just means that they aren’t infallible and that, if what they say doesn’t square with logic and observation, you should have a healthy skepticism.

Reason 2. Just because there is such a thing as the martyr complex doesn’t mean that it applies to a relationship with a narcissist. A person with a isn’t martyr complex isn't really abused and doesn’t seek real abuse. He or she likes to imagine themselves abused and portray themselves as abused.There’s a big difference between that and seeking real abuse!

Reason 3. In my own little slice of the world, this is what I have observed and learned from other victims: there is such a thing as the cycle of abuse. It does cause the victim to behave in ways that seem strange to outside observers – as if they are “asking for it.”People’s bad habit of always tending to blame the victim makes everyone jump to the conclusion that this is so = that they are "asking for it." But in the cases I know of, it never was.In fact, the victims of narcissists behave exactly the same way the victims of all torture and brainwashing do, exactly the way all hostages do.

So, strange as it seems, this behavior is the reaction of NORMAL people to abuse. All the tortured cling to the torturer for dear life. All hostages exhibit the Stockholm syndrome. This has been known since at least the Dark Ages. Professional torturers (executioners) and the Inquisition understood this phenomenon and deliberately exploited it to make their victims betray themselves to abuse.

Why do normal people do this under duress? It’s because you’re taking right-side-up people and putting them in a pervert’s upside-down world. You’re taking people acting on normal human premises and having those reactions play right into pervert’s perverted premises.The abuser always makes the victim totally dependant on him before he starts abusing. So, what is the victim going to do? She has no choice but to try to soften a stone-cold heart. This is nothing but appeasement. The helpless have no other option.

We see this happening on a massive scale today in the bizarre efforts to appease the abuses of Islamofascist mobs and terrorists the world over. “Don’t make them mad! Don’t think badly of them for what they do. Apologize for making them abuse us by making them mad at us. Blame ourselves for everything they do to us. Bend over for it with a smile. Suck up. Then maybe they will soften and like us and stop abusing us.”

Pass me the puke bucket, please.The West has no excuse for such cowardly appeasement, because the West isn’t helpless. The western nations are just too unwilling to stop squabbling among themselves, get real, and unite against a common enemy (a problem the West has had since the Fall of the Roman Empire).

But the victims of narcissists often ARE helpless.And even when they aren’t, when they can and do try to
fight back, some holier-than-thou comes along and says it’s a sin. Then then whole world gangs up and jumps on the victim’s back saying, “Yes, stop it. Stop fighting because that’s a sin.”Who has a strong enough backbone to stand up to that? This merciless suppression of any effort at self defense breaks the victim’s back. holier-Then these same holier- than-thous turn around and say, “See? She just takes it. So, she likes it. She’s asking for it.”

Perhaps THEY are the ones who need their heads examined, not the victim they thus play Catch-22 with. I see no self-masochism in this victim, do you? I just see a normal human being in Catch-22.What is Catch-22? It’s the English translation of the Italian phrase for the 22nd "malbowge" ("evil pouch/pocket") of Nether Hell in Dante's Inferno. That's the lowest pit of hell, the place where the treacherous, the traitors, get to experience their sin on the receiving end. It’s where Dante put Judas priests, the likes of people who invite a family to dinner and then lock them in a tower to starve to death, as well as Julius Caesar’s “friend” Brutus and Judas Iscariot.

As I’ve said in other posts, the victim WILL feel shame for bending over for it, to the extent that he or she failed to resist as much as possible. And, as I’ve said, this is why the victim must never be condemned for fighting back.But, come on, knuckling under to abuse isn’t the same thing as liking it and wanting it. Normal people may knuckle under. But only sick-in-the-head people could like it and ask for it. So, my hunch is that cases of co-dependence in narcissism are either rare or never occur.

People ASSUME that the victim wants abuse in their IGNORANCE of the real and understandable reasons why the victim doesn’t fight back or run away.

Kathy Krajco